Pay Per Click
The people that skip over this type of advertising will only cost themselves profits!
Don't be afraid of PPC, instead you should welcome it!
Start using this immediately, it can create Cash within 24 hours if you follow it correctly! That's Immediate Income For Your Business!
At the Bottom of this page, you will see Perry Marshall's "Definitive Guide to Adwords" and it will increase your profits like you wouldn't believe. He gives you a free 5 day course and knowing all you can about Adwords will make you a FORTUNE. With Perry's help you can BEAT the Adwords System and make A LOT of money while spending very little. Learn All You Can From Him!
(but first go through this page of training)
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Pay Per Click Video 1
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Pay Per Click Video 2
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If you are experienced with pay per click ads, still read through this entire page.
If you are new to online marketing and pay per click advertising, we recommend that you go to google and take about 40 minutes and learn how pay per click ads work and then work directly with the yahoo staff to create your campaign.
Google Adwords Tutorial
If your familiar with this type of advertising, below are the areas you need to focus on.
Pay Per Click Keywords
Keywords Video 1
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Keywords Video 2
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Keywords Video 3
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Keywords Video4
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Here is where many people will make a mistake with this type of advertising. They will load in 200 keywords for one ad campaign that are not related or relevant to the ad itself which should never be done. The most amount of keywords that you should ever use for any campaign is approximately 10 to 15 keywords unless you are advanced and know what you are doing. This will give you a better result and ranking within google and yahoo than if you use 200 keywords mismatched keywords. This means google and yahoo will place you higher on the sponsored listings when people are conducting their searches.
Here is the point we are trying to make. You would rather have 20 different ads with 10 to 15 keywords each under 1 campaign where everything is relevant and related instead of ony having 1 ad with 200 keywords. There is no limit to the number of ads you can generate with sponsored listings, so do not flood your keywords in to 1 ad.
By the way, with our business we hold a big advantage over keywords than just about any other business out there. Follow along closely with this, please.
The keyword "Make Money" has an approximate bid on it right now of about $1.55 per click to be ranked high, and this is where we hold a huge advantage over 99% percent of the programs out there.
Let me put this into perspective. Most programs that are out on the market that use the same keywords we are using sell products that are pretty much selling a $49 to $59 product.
Now if they are using the keyword "Make Money", they would need a sale for every 30 people that clicked on their ad just to break even.
30 clicks at $1.55 equals $46.50.
Now let's take a look at the break even point with the 1-2-3 Power System.
At the same cost as used in the example above, you would need one sale out of every 130 people who clicked on your ad to break even which is easily accomplished with the 1-2-3 Power System.
The Website you're provided with in our program creates sales consistently with this type of marketing.
This is exactly why people are able to make thousands each and every week using this type of marketing. It puts your website out in front of people that are looking to make money online immediately.
To put this in perspective, do you have any idea how many people surf the internet daily looking to make an income online? The numbers are mind blowing.
About 25 million according to Google which means that you do not have to worry about this type of marketing being oversaturated. In fact, this is why Pay Per Click advertising works with this business immediately.
The biggest key to Pay Per Click is to be smart with your campaigns and manage them properly.
To help you get started with your campaigns for our system, here are some of the more popular keywords being used online. You can cut and paste these keywords into notepad or some other document on you computer. Once you have them copied, you want to start breaking them down. You can also use the google tools to help you with finding similar keywords and other variations.
Once you have created several variations of keywords, break them up into groups of at least 10 keywords to 15 keywords. You should not exceed more than 15 keywords in a group as it can only hurt you more than it can help you unless you know what you are doing.
Popular Keywords:
Cut and paste them into notepad and break them down into groups
Once you have broken your keywords down into groups, you then want to position your ads to match your keyword groups. This is important and it will also effect your exposure and cost per click.
Here's an example:
Let's say we are going to use the following 10 keywords for a specific ad.
(We are using these keyword for an example only - but it's a great example!)
make money
make money online
make money fast
how to make money
make alot of money
make money easy
make money now
ways to make money
make more money
make money quick
Now if our ad was the following, we would get a poor search result and be charged more per click. Take a look at it.
Wealth From Your Home
Start working from your home
today and earn a great income!
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The reason why this pay per click ad wouldn't rank high is none of the keywords actually match the ad. We would be charged more per click because of this.
This means if we want this ad to show and get clicked on, we will be spending more per click than somebody that has an ad with relevancy.
For instance the ad below.
Make Money Fast - Today
You can make money today $1,000
starting now, Real Money!
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Now this ad has relevancy to the keywords that back it's search results. This makes a big difference. This ad would get a higher sponsored search ranking from google and yahoo because the related keywords actually appear in the ad itself. You would also be charged less per click because of this relevancy. This saves you money and allows your ad to appear more often.
So please take the time and watch how you group your keywords so you can create your pay per click ads around them, and be sure your keywords are contained to small groups of about 10 to 15 keywords.
Keyword Bidding
When it comes to bidding for keywords and ad positions, it gets very competitive. You are competing with over 10,000 other marketers online that are pushing money making programs, but we have one major advantage over them - we can afford to bid high on keywords because of our profit margin.
Many people get confused with this statement, so we will explain it to you.
We touched on this topic above just a little above, but here is the point in greater detail.
Most online marketers are selling programs that only cost a consumer about $50 for the program. That means they need a good convertion rate to make a profit (actual people that click on the ad and buy the program).
If their maximum bid for a keyword is a dollar and they only profit 70% of the cost of the program (actually make only $35 per sale on a $50 product), they then need 1 out of every 35 people who click on their ad to buy their product just to break even.
With the our program, we do not have that problem. We make $200 profit on each and every sale. That allows us to easily bid $1.00 for keywords because our break even point is 1 in 200 at minimum for our program. This is a major advantage for Pay Per Click advertising. Plus, if you make sure that your keywords stay relevant with your ads you will also be charged less per click and get a higher sponsored search ranking.
This is how to properly produce results with Pay Per Click advertising. Design the right ad around the right keyword group and place a maximum bid of at least a $1.00 to $1.40 per click.
If your budget is tight right now, then just set your campaign daily budget at $25 to $50 per day and monitor it. You can always pause your campaign with just a click of your mouse.
Be smart on your bidding, but do not under-bid you keywords either. It will only cost you and it wastes time. To make this a little more clear, we would rather have 50 people clicking on our ads a day that want to make money now instead of only a couple people because our ad isn't appearing due to my low bid on keywords. One sale every other day from Pay Per Click advertising can easily cover the cost of your PPC campaigns, and the rest is total profit. Always remember to use autoresponders with any pay per click campaign as they are a crucial key to this type of advertising. They will increase you profits by up to 50% with good follow up campaigns.
Also remember to target your ppc campaigns for specific areas such as USA and Canada. Without targeting your campaigns to specific areas you will end up running your campaigns worldwide which will end up costing you more. Always remember to target you campaigns.
Pay Per Click Ad Examples
Below are a few different ads to give you some ideas. We do not recommend you copy them directly, but use them to get ideas and generate your own ads. Don't be afraid to change some wording and flip things around.
Also, type in some of the keywords in the list above on google and yahoo and do a search. You will see a ton of pay per click ads. Look at them and get more ideas. There is no limit to the number of ads you will be able to create.
The biggest key is to be sure you match your keyword groups with your ads so they are relevant.
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Pay Per Click Training
Perry Marshall
Perry Marshall is the GURU of Google Adwords. First off I absolutely recommend his "Definitive Guide To Google Adwords"
It's considered the Bible of PayPerClick Advertising and should be by your side when putting together campaigns.
Don't worry about trying to get it all in one day.
If you take the next few days or a week and really dedicate to go through this and understand the basics, within a week you'll have your first profitable campaign.