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Direct Mail
Direct Mail can be one of the most cost effective and highest profit methods to market a Biz Op.
The reason is that for many, many years, people have been marketing Business Opportunities through the mail, creating a GIGANTIC market, with MILLIONS of people on thousands of lists, waiting to receive YOUR new offer!
Finding an offer that works in Direct Mail has made thousands of "small time operators" MULTI-MILLIONAIRES!
What you need to make this work is:
1. A good List Broker
2. A great sales piece
A "List Broker" is a person who specializes in locating "lists" of individuals interested in particular types of offers. Different List Brokers can specialize in different sorts of lists Some specialize in Biz Op, some in Health Products, others in Men's or Women's Interests etc.
The "lists" they sell can include: name, address, phone number, email, special details, etc. For most uses, we just will want the name and physical address.
What is the difference between different lists?
There is a BIG difference Some lists are "seekers" and some lists are "buyers". You want BUYERS! The reason you want "buyers lists" and NOT "seekers lists" is that "buyers" have proven 2 vital things that you need when using Direct Mail:
1. They have money to spend!
2. They are willing to spend it on something similar to what YOU want to offer!
Save yourself the HEADACHE and MONEY ONLY work with BUYERS LISTS!
My Recommended List Brokers
The list broker I recommend highest for Biz Op. are:
Working with these companies is fun, easy, and PROFITABLE. Don't be intimidated if this is the first time you are talking with a List Broker. Just let them know that this is your first time, and they will explain everything to you!
4 Rules To Direct Mail Success
1. Start with a mailing of 1,000 - 3,000
2. Use a printing house
3. Track your results
4. Repeat!
RULE #1: Start with a mailing of 1,000 - 3,000
You don't want to risk more money than you need to EVER!
When starting to use a new offer OR a proven offer to a new list, always start SMALL! You want to test the waters to ensure you are not throwing your money away.
One of the nice things about Direct Mail, is that results with THE SAME LIST are generally consistent after a test of 3,000 - 5,000 pieces mailed.
This means that if a list has a total of 30,000 people on it, and you test a mailing to 3,000 of them with a result of 2.3% response rate you can generally expect THE SAME
response rate when you send your offer to the other 27,000 people left on the list!
This is great information! It allows you to spend a little and test multiple lists, then after finding the WINNERS you can send your offer to the rest of the list expecting the same positive return!
To "Postcard" or to "Letter"?
When sending Direct Mail, the 2 most used formats for the mail piece are: postcards and letters. I generally prefer postcards.
Recommended Postcard Resources
The reason is that postcards:
1. DO NOT require being OPENED to be read/noticed
2. Cost A LOT less postage and printing is cheaper.
3. Require a strong "Call to Action" and THAT'S ALL!!!
The first 2 points are self-explanatory, so I will address the third.
Creating a "letter" style mail piece requires you to give a lot of info about your offer, WITHOUT losing your prospects interest OR turning them off to your offer.
If you receive Biz Op related Direct Mail, you have seen the result of this Long letters that tell you NOTHING about what is being offered instead they are filled with rags to-riches "stories" and big promises. There is a reason for this If they really told you what they were offering, you would probably NEVER buy it!
So, The advantage to a postcard approach is that you give JUST the BARE MINIMUM of details about your offer, in a way that is very COMPELLING there is that word again!., so they will DESIRE to GET MORE INFO? Leading to your MAIN sales pitch!
This is called a "Call to Action". The "action" is the prospect going to your website or calling your phone number. Side Note: Some marketers still have prospects write back for more info... I would NOT recommend this approach In today's world people want everything NOW! not 1 or 2 weeks from now!
The advantage to sending your prospect to your MAIN sales pitch is that today we can use Flashy Audio Recordings on voice mail or via the Internet., long sales copy Internet., even more Flashy Multimedia Presentations that are like Internet Infomercials, to help close a sale, Not to mention automated follow-up through Capture Page / Autoresponder systems.
These new systems have a MUCH greater chance of closing a deal than a simple 4 page letter!